Piano, voice, ukulele, clarinet and trumpet
Stephanie Weatherford
“Music has been a major factor in my life since January 22, 1966. From there, at age two, picking out by ear “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” by CCR on an old piano in Stinnett TX, music has crossed just about every path I’ve ever taken. A series of piano lessons at age six got my feet wet in reading music, and ended up being the building block that allowed me to ultimately expand into all kinds of musical endeavors. In my pivotal 6th grade I picked up the clarinet and was officially 'in the band'! Junior High and High School brought me six more years of countless yearly performances, both in Orchestra and Jazz Band, as well as marching on the field as a Valley Viking! I'm enjoying working professionally both as a singer and instrumentalist in the Reno/Lake Tahoe area since 2007, playing in a Reno classic rock band and covering Dan Fogelberg nationally. But, it's been my work with Green Weather, a Truckee folk duo band, that has enabled me to embark on my greatest musical journey, which, in the end, has led me to believe, that our truest connection is to project what is most pleasing to the ear. Enjoy YOUR journey..."